Spring Arbor University Archives2017-03-292017-03-292017http://hdl.handle.net/11210/115In Memory of James Hudson Taylor II & Alice Hayes Taylor James Hudson Taylor II (1894-1978) & Alice Hayes (1898-1987) served as missionaries of the Free Methodist Church in both China and Taiwan for 40 years in a ministry that has touched thousands. The Word of God was the golden thread that ran through the fabric of their lives. After escaping west from warring Japanese armies during World War II, the Taylors, in cooperation with China Inland Mission, established the North West Bible Institute in the Shaanxi Province. At the age of 60, they entered a new venture in Taiwan. There, they founded Holy Light Theological Seminary. Carrying the message of Christ around the world with a mixture of graciousness and tenacity, the Taylors are known as bold and gentle warriors. Spring Arbor University is blessed to have briefly had Alice as instructor and James as college church pastor.Buildings -- Koinonia Houses -- Taylor HouseSpring Arbor UniversityTaylor HouseImage